"Brother, I wish you to give me close attention, because I think you do not clearly understand. I want to speak to you about promises t...
Women of the Klan
From the Los Angeles Times , by Barbara Ehrenreich, on 1 September 1991| -- I used to have a comforting image of the Ku Klux Klan as an as...
KKK Republicans Control Legislature in Indiana
Indiana Wedding From Yahoo! Voices , "When the KKK Ran Indiana: The Story of D.C. Stephenson," by Elliot Feldman 2 April 2010 -- ...
The Story of Marcus Garvey
From PBS , American Experience , "People and Events: J. Edgar Hoover," -- At a time of increasing popular radicalism, Hoover quick...
The Sugar Barons of the West Indies
'Barbarities of the West Indias' by Gillray. James Gillray based his 1791 anti-slavery cartoon on the report of an overseer who ha...
"Returning Soldiers," by W.E.B Du Bois
From Yale's Gilder Lehrman Center "Returning Soldiers," by W.E.B Du Bois -- We are returning from war! The Crisis and tens ...
Mass Incarceration and American Values
From Crime Report , "Tackling the Leviathan," by Glenn Loury, 19 August 2010 -- Over the past four decades, the United States has,...
William Kunstler Disturbing the Universe
February, 1970j: Transcript And that is the terrible myth of organized society, that everything that's done through the established sy...
Muhammad Ali, Attica Prison Riot Poem
Muhammad Ali, Attica prison riot poem!
Texas Tough Prison Industrial Complex
From the New Republic , "American Hell," by Marie Gottschalk, on 28 June 2010 -- The Great Recession has raised expectations that...