Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Mad e (1974), Genovese examined the society of the slaves. This book won the national Bancroft Priz...
Ken Knowlton: Mosaics
Dignity Under Duress (from Louis Agassizi's photo of a slave) Seashells, Ken Knowlton, 1997
Harvard's Racist Louis Agassiz
Cambridge - Harvard Square: Harvard Museum of Natural History Harvard Museum of Natural History, at 26 Oxford Street, was created in 1998, c...
Edward L. Ayers: Defining the Twentieth Century
Edward Ayers, President of University of Richmond, discusses how to define an "era." He reviews African American history and women...
We Can Stop Wal-Mart at the Wilderness
We Can Stop Wal-Mart at the Wilderness
Jacob Lawrence,The Shoemaker, from The Migration Series, 1945
Jacob Lawrence,The Shoemaker, from The Migration Series, 1945
The Branded Hand of Captain Jonathan Walker
The branded hand of Captain Jonathan Walker The letters "S.S.," for slave stealer, were branded on the hand of Captain Jonathan W....
Thomas Jefferson's Runaway Slave
RUN away from the subscriber in Albermarle, a Mulatto slave called Sandy, about 35 years of age, his stature is rather low, inclining to cor...
An Encounter With A Missouri Slave In 1861
From the London Illustrated News , by G.H. Andrews, published on 16 February 1861 [editors note: the Civil War began in April of 1861] -- ...
Savannah And The Slave Business
From Savannah Now , "Historian chronicles Savannah's business ties to slavery," by Chuck Mobley, on 27 February 2009 -- Seate...
The Freedman’s Mechanical Bank
The Freedman’s Bank by F.H. Griffith - HOBBIES Magazine - May, 1970 Other than having the finest most complete collection of the different m...
Coon Chicken Inn:
Coon Chicken Inn (Seattle) The Coon Chicken Inn was a fried-chicken restaurant chain located on the Old Bothell Highway on the outskirts of ...
Freedman's Savings & Trust Co.
Three million dollars ($53,942,565.24 in 2010 dollars) belonging to 61,000 African Americans. That's how much accumulated wealth vanishe...
Library of Congress Closes Exhibition on Slavery
As reported by the New York Times , "After Protests, Library of Congress Closes Exhibition on Slavery," by Karen De Witt, on 21 De...